Tips for Working Out Without a Gym Membership

Sporty woman tying shoe lace

At Blue Sky MD we understand that weight loss is a journey. In order to successfully lose and sustain meaningful weight loss, it is necessary to do more than just count calories. One of the lifestyle changes we also recommend is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. For many, the idea of exercise revolves around a gym membership. While a gym might be a good fit for some, many find it cost-prohibitive, time consuming, and intimidating. If you fall into the latter category, don’t worry, we have 5 ways to workout without the gym!

Enjoy the Outdoors: The easiest way to get some exercise without the gym is to lace up your shoes, turn off the TV, and head outdoors. Whether you walk, hike, run or bike, the great outdoors is always open and it doesn’t cost a thing.

Try a Workout DVD: Next time you’re at Target or Wal-Mart, check out the exercise/fitness isle for a new workout DVD. With all the choices available these days, you’re sure to find one that is just right for you. And you can do in the comfort and privacy of your own home. If you’re not sure you want to make this small investment, go online to find free workout videos or routines from most of the popular fitness magazines or other websites like YouTube. Also, check out our BlueSky Pinterest Boards for a wide variety of exercise routines!

Try Tennis: There’s a reason why professional tennis players are so fit. Tennis is a great exercise that burns calories and tones your arms, legs, abs and back. You don’t have to be an expert or even take lessons, just hit around with a friend. Most local parks have free tennis courts so all you need is a racket. You don’t even need to keep score!

Say Yes to Yardwork: Pushing the mower, especially uphill, engages your glute muscles and increases your heart rate. If you’re not up to mowing the lawn, get out there and plant a garden. Planting and tending a garden require lots of bending and squatting, which will strengthen and tone legs and back muscles. In the Fall rake leaves, and in the winter shovel some snow!

Check out the App Store: You may not know it, but there are countless exercise apps available for download, many of which are free. You can choose from full body daily workout apps or target a specific problem area. The best part? Most exercises are 10 minutes or less, so you’ll always have time to fit in a quick workout.

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Blue Sky MD has offices in Asheville, Hendersonville, Winston Salem, Greensboro, and Charlotte and we accept most primary care insurance including Blue Cross, Medicare and Medicaid.

**Disclaimer. Weight loss results vary depending on the individual. No guarantee is provided or implied.

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