What Are Early Warning Signs Of Thyroid Problems?

what are early warning sings of thyroid problems

As a hormone therapy clinic that’s been around for decades, we’ll be the first to tell you that thyroid problems are some of the most common hormone issues we see here at Blue Sky MD.

Many of our patients join our medical weight loss program because they’ve tried everything under the sun to lose weight with no lasting results. When we hear this type of story, we like to run our hormone labs—and usually we’ll uncover a number of hormone imbalances and/or thyroid problems. 

Weight gain and thyroid problems go hand in hand. But there’s more at stake than just weight gain when it comes to issues related to the thyroid.

Let’s explore the thyroid and talk more about how to detect the early warning signs of a thyroid problem.

What is the thyroid and why is it so important to health?

The thyroid is a small gland located in the neck behind the Adam’s apple, and is often described as “butterfly-shaped”.

The thyroid’s primary role is to produce hormones play a large role in regulating various bodily functions like metabolism, heart function and body temperature. 

Your thyroid produces a hormone called Thyroxine (T4) or storage form of thyroid hormone, which is then converted into Triiodothyronine (T3) or the active form of thyroid hormone. This transition from storage (T4) to active (T3) takes place in your liver.

Optimal conversion requires good levels of Vitamin D, Magnesium and iron.  Relative deficiencies of any of these minerals will negatively impact thyroid health. Additionally, when patients are on lots of medication, poorly controlled diabetes or have trouble with lipids, there may be a lack of conversion to T3 because your liver is already occupied with processing medication or excess sugars and fats.  

Triiodothyronine, commonly referred to as T3, is often overlooked regarding thyroid health by many medical providers. T3 tells us how much hormone is available to use at tissue level; IE what your body recognizes as active or usable thyroid hormone.

T3 plays a critical role in the following:

  1. The production and utilization of ATP or your body’s power plant
  2. Protein utilization or maintaining and building muscle
  3. Carbohydrate and Fat Storage and Usage
  4. Brain Development and function
  5. Heart health including blood pressure
  6. Regulating Body Temperature
  7. Aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients

By scanning this list, it’s easy to see why having a healthy thyroid is critical to your overall health.

an image of the thyroid gland anatomy

What are the early warning signs of thyroid problems?

Thyroid problems can manifest in different ways. In fact, there are two different types of common thyroid problems— hyopthyroidism, and hyperthyroidism—and they typically have different symptoms, although they do overlap in some cases. 

For the sake of simplicity, at BlueSky MD we typically encounter Hypothyroidism, which can contribute to trouble with your weight. 


Hypothyroidism is the main culprit behind many of our patient’s inability to lose weight. This condition is categorized by the thyroid producing insufficient amounts of T3. 

The lack of adequate T3 slows down the metabolic processes in the body, and may create symptoms, including the following:

  • General Fatigue
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Low body temp, and feeling cold all the time
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Suddenly brittle or coarse hair
  • Brittle nails
  • Decreased muscle strength
  • Stiff or aching joints
  • Depression, irritability and mood swings
  • Constipation
  • Puffiness in the face

Testing for Hypothyroidism

To accurately diagnose hypothyroidism, we typically measure levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) free thyroxine (T4), free T Triiodothyronine (T3) and TPO antibodies along with Vitamin D and Iron levels in the blood. At Blue Sky MD, we look at a more detailed lab panel to best optimize your thyroid function. 

Treatment of Hypothyroidism

The most common medication used in HRT for hypothyroidism is levothyroxine. It is a synthetic form of thyroxine (T4), the inactive form of thyroid hormone. Unfortunately, many patients do not respond completely to Levothyroxine alone. It’s estimated 10% or more of the population lack the enzymes required to convert T4 (Levothyroxine) to T3 in the liver.  You need optimal levels of T3 in order to derive the maximum benefit from thyroid replacement. 

At BlueSky MD, we often recommend a combination of natural thyroid which contains a combination of T4 and T3 and is the exact form of thyroid replacement your body needs.  

Nature thyroid and Armor thyroid are examples of combination thyroid treatments. We will work with you to find the optimal thyroid replacement based on both labs and clinical response. In other words, we don’t just look at numbers on a chart (although they are important), we want you to actually feel better and will work to find the optimal response.

Long-term Management of Hypothyroidism

In addition to regular testing and monitoring, patients will need to lead a healthy lifestyle.  Often, we recommend Vitamin D and Magnesium supplementation to aid in optimal thyroid activity.  Eating a balanced diet with greens and healthy fats and avoiding refined foods like sweets and gluten can be helpful.  Regular exercise, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption; is key, as these can affect thyroid function and how well the treatment and medication works.

Get treatment for your thyroid problems at Blue Sky MD

HRT for hypothyroidism is typically a lifelong treatment process, as is the case with most chronic health conditions. With proper management and regular follow-ups, most people with hypothyroidism can lead normal, healthy lives.

In addition to treating thyroid imbalances, we may be able to identify and treat any additional hormone imbalances, such as insulin resistance/diabetes, adrenal hormone or sex hormone imbalances.  Keeping all of your hormones in check are critical to maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding chronic medical conditions.

Schedule your initial lab test with us to get started exploring your thyroid health and addressing the symptoms.

DR. DAVID LAMOND - Greensboro Location

Dr. David LaMond, MD

Founder, Medical Director, Blue Sky MD

Dr. LaMond is a nutrition and prevention expert; who is a successful medical entrepreneur. Dave developed and operates numerous successful medical practices, along with a consulting company which helps physicians and medical practitioners operate successful independent practices. Drawing from his foundation and board certification in Family Medicine, he developed the innovative medical principles behind the Blue Sky MD concept of total patient care. Blue Sky MD has appeared on the INC 5000 list three times; as one of the 5000 fastest growing privately held companies in the US.

Dave has been a featured speaker for numerous medical conferences and has been a business and health consultant and has made several appearances on health television broadcasts. His written work has been featured in medical journals and other print media; with a focus on sports medicine, nutrition, wellness and non-invasive cosmetic procedures.

Additionally, Dr. LaMond has been a luminary, speaker and consultant for Crescent Health Solutions, Eleme Medical, Osyris, Suneva Medical and Candela Corporations, served as a clinical professor for Wake Forest University and is an expert in non-invasive and minimally invasive body contouring and cosmetic laser surgery.

Dr LaMond is passionate about the outdoors and has a love for mountain biking. He works as a nutritional coach and physician for professional cyclists, and enjoys training and riding along-side them. Dave has competed in high level mountain bike events regionally and nationally in masters level competition and has been on the podium at USA cycling National Championships.

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Blue Sky MD has offices in Asheville, Hendersonville, Winston Salem, Greensboro, and Charlotte and we accept most primary care insurance including Blue Cross, Medicare and Medicaid.

**Disclaimer. Weight loss results vary depending on the individual. No guarantee is provided or implied.

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